Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Biblia Sacra Latin Course, now available.

After many months of preparation, the Biblia Sacra Latin Course is ready for distribution.
It is a complete course with audio lectures and a workbook for each level (there are two levels).
Find it HERE.


Pro-Life Mom said...

Hello! I was perusing this Latin Course and wondering why the lectures available on MP3 format are:
"English translations of biblical texts are taken from the King James Version of the Bible?"
Thank you & God Bless!
~ProLife Mom

Pro-Life Mom said...

Also wondering why the pronunciation is in "Classical," as opposed to "Ecclesiastical" form.

Derek Bonnell said...

Thanks for your inquiry. The course was created by non-Catholics, hence- the use of the KJV instead of the Douay Rhiems Version and the use of Classical instead of Ecclesiastical pronunciation. Despite this, the course is still a very effective way to learn Latin via the Vulgate.